14 Jun 2014



Ugrasravasu, the story teller continued to say to Sounakaa and other saints:In Krutayugaa, there was one Prajapati called Kashyapa Prajapati. He has got two wives, Vinata and Kadruva. They both prayed Kashyapa for male children.Kashyapa asked them “How many male children do you want and with what qualities?”Kadruva said that she wanted to have one thousand male children with shining personalities and long bodies.
Vinata said that she wanted to have two male children with stronger bodies than the children of kadruva.Kashyapa performed Putrakaameshti yaagaa (a sacrifice which will be performed to beget children). As a result of that Yaga, both Vinata and Kadruva became pregnant.Kadruva got one thousand eggs and vinata got two eggs.After some time, the eggs of kadruva were broken and 1000 snakes, called Aadi Seshuvu, Takshaka, Vaasuki etc. came out of the eggs with long and shining bodies.But the eggs of Vinata were not broken. Vinata was feeling jealousy as Kadruva begot children much before.Somehow or other she also wanted to have children. She forcibly broke one of the eggs.From out of that egg, one strong man came with half-grown body i.e., with upper portion of the body and nothing from waist. His name was Anura. He looked at his mother with anger.
“Oh mother, why did you brake the egg even before I got full body. You did it with jealousy. Hence, you will become a slave of your sister Kadruva. Please dont break the other egg before it ripes. The son who comes out of that egg with strong and huge body, will save you from the slavery”.
So saying, he went away as a chariot driver to Sun god.Vinatha felt very much for her deeds. She was looking after the other egg with great care.Devatas(Divine bodies) and Asuras (Raakshasas or demons) decided to churn the sea for getting Amruta (immortal drink). They held discussions as to how to churn the sea, who will be the churner and what will be the churning thread etc.
Brahma and Vishnuvu agreed to organise the task. Brahma and Vishnu decided that Mandhara Mountain will be the churner. It is a long, tall mountain. Aadi Seshu, uprooted that Mountain and brought it and dropped it into the sea. But the mountain was sinking.Sri Maha Vishnu incarnated in the form of Aadi koormamu (the great Tortoise) and became the base for the mountain. Then the mountain stood erect. They fixed the serpant king, Vasuki, as a churning thread.All the devatas was holding the snake, Vasuki, on the tail side and all the Asuras (raakshasas) held the snake on the side of the head. With great vigour, they were churning the sea.
At first, “haalaa halam” (the great poison) emanated from the sea. Lord Siva swallowed it and kept it in his neck.Then, Lakshmi (Goddess of wealth) and Koustubha Mani (the great diamond) were born. Lord Vishnu received them and installed them in his heart.
Later, one white horse called “Uchaisravamu”, and one white elephant called “Airaavatamu” came out of the sea. Indra received them and kept them in his custody. Then “Amruta Kalasam” (a Vessel containing Amruta)emanated from the sea. The Asuraas (raakshasaas) received Amrutham. But Lord Vishnu, under the guise of Mohini, an Universal Beauty, mesmerized Asuras and took away Amrutam from asuras and gave it to Devatas.
Devatas sat in a row to drink Amruta. One Asura called Raahuvu, detected this trick. He mixed with Devatas under the guise of Devata and he also sat along with Devatas to drink Amruta. Amruta was served to him.
When Raahuvu was about to swallow Amruta, Sun god and Moon god, came to know about Raahuvu. Immediately, they complained to Vishnu about Raahuvu. Vishnu grew angry and cut the head of Raahuvu with his Chakra weapon.By that time, amrutham went upto the throat of Rahuvu. Hence, his head became immortal. The body from neck was cut and fell down. From then onwards, there is bitter enemity between Rahuvu and Sun god and Moon god.
Though Asuras churned the sea and got Amrutha, due to the mesmerism of Vishnu, they could not have Amrutha and get immortality. Asuras grew angry. They consulted King Bali. They decided that they could not continue friendship with Devatas any longer. Asuras waged war against Devatas. “Devaasura Yudha” (war between Devatas and Asuras) began.In that dreadful war, Nara and Narayana fought on the side of Devatas. Asuras could not resist them in the battle.
Asuras fled away into the sea. Devatas got the victory. They handed over Amrutam to Devendra for safe custody. They kept Mandhara Mountain in its original place. The Devatas were guarding Amrutha carefully.
One day, the white horse, Uchaisrava, was moving on the sea shore. Vinatha and Kadruva, two wives of Kashyapa Prajapathi, also went to the sea shore for evening walk. They both saw the white horse from a distance. Kadruva wanted to fool Vinatha. Kadruva said : “Vinata, look at that horse. It is pure white. But, the tail was so black. See that wonder”.Vinatha also looked at the horse carefully. It is pure white including the tail. She could not understand why Kadruva was saying like that.Vinatha said “Kadruvaa, the tail of that horse is not black. It is also white. Please observe the horse carefully.”
Kadruva did not agree for that. Some how or other, she wanted to keep her word. “Vinatha, we will have a bet. If the tail is black, you will be my slave. If the tail is white, I will be your slave.”Vinatha agreed for it. “Kadruva, let us go and see whether the tail is white or black”.
Kadruva said “No. It is already sunset. We cannot observe it properly. We will come tomorrow morning and see in the sun light.”.Kadruva and Vinatha went to their respective homes. Kadruve knows that the tail is white. She wanted to win the bet by playing a trick. She called all her serpant sons.
“My dear sons, I had a bet with Vinata that the tail of Uchaisrava is black, though, in fact, it is white. I should win the bet. You have to do something or the other and make the tail black, so that i will win the bet”. The serpants did not agree for her words. “Oh mother, it is immoral. We cannot act immorally because my mother told. It is wrong. Please excuse us”.
Kadruva grew angry. She cursed her serpant sons and said: “Those who are not heeding my words, will fall in the sacred fire of Sarpa Yaaga, performed by King Janameja, and die.”Still the serpants did not agree for the proposal of their mother, Kadruva. But one of her sons, Karkotaka,was frightened with the curse.
“Oh mother. Don’t worry. I am here. I will carry out your words.” Karkotaka said. Kadruva felt very happy. Karkotaka (snake) went to the sea shore. He climbed the tail of Uchaisrava and entwined to the tail. Now the tail is looking black, as karkotaka was a black snake.
Next morning, Vinatha and Kadruva went to the seaside. They both saw the horse from a distance. The tail was looking black. Vinatha agreed for hear defeat. From then onwards, she became a slave to Kadruva. Some time passed away. The second egg which Vinatha was protecting, also broke. A huge body, with great strength, strong wings, came out of the egg. His name was Garuda.Soon after he came out of the egg, he flew into the sky with great speed and again came down to earth.
He bowed before his mother Vinatha. He also bowed before Kadruva. On seeing this great personality, Kadrua was so jealous.She could not tolerate it. “Garudaa, your mother is my slave. You are also my slave. You have to serve me and my sons, snakes. You have to take all the snakes on your back for a jolly ride daily”.
Kadruva said. Garuda agreed for that. One day, Garuda took all the snakes on his back and flew into the sky. He flew much nearer to Sun. Due to the over heat of the Sun, all the bodies of snakes were burnt and the snakes fell down unconscious.
On coming to know about this, Kadruva felt very sad and wept. She prayed Indra for heavy rain. All the snakes regained consciousness in those showers. Kadruva scolded Garuda for his foolish deeds. Garuda went to his mother Vinatha and asked her.
“Oh mother. What is this? Why should we do slavery to Kadruva and her sons. What is the reason? Please tell me”. Vinatha told Garuda what had happened including the bet between herself and Kadruva and her defeat. Garuda my son, it is due to the Saapa (curse) given to me by your elder brother, Anura. He also told me that you will relieve me from this slavery. Please do the needful”.
Garuda went to the snakes and asked them “What do I have to do to you to relieve my mother from this slavery?”All the snakes replied “We want Amrutha, which is in DevalOka, in the custody of Devendra. Please bring Amruta from Devaloka and give it to us. Your mother will be relieved of her slavery immediately”.
Garuda agreed for it. He went to his mother and said “Oh mother. I am going to Devaloka to bring Amrutha and I will give it to sankes and relieve you from this slavery. Maa. bless me”. Vinatha felt very happy and blessed her son Garuda.
After taking the blessings of his mother, Garuda flew away to Devaloka. On the way, Garuda met his father, Kashyapa. “Oh father, I am going to Devaloka for bringing Amruta to relieve my mother from slavery. I am hungry. Please give me some good food”. Garuda asked. Kashyapa said “Oh my son, Garuda, listen to me. There are two brothers called Vibhavasa and Suprateeka. Suprateeka demanded his elder brother Vibhavasa to partition the ancestral properties. Vibhavasa did not agree. Instead he cursed Suprateeka to become a huge elephant.
Suprateeka also cursed his brother Vibhavasa to become a huge tortoise.Now they became a tortoise of three yojanas long and ten yojanas width, and an elephant of six yojanas length and twelve yojanas width. (Yojana = ten miles). Still they are fighting for their ancestral property. You catch that elephant and tortise and have sumptuous food.”
Garuda was very happy and went to the place where the tortoise and elephant were staying. Garuda caught themwith the claws of his legs and flew away. On the way, one big tree called Rohana saw Garudaa and said “Garuda, come here. Keep those things on one of my strong branches, eat them, take some rest and go away.”
Garuda accepted his request and tried to sit on a big branch of that tree. But due to the heavy weight of tortoise, elephant and himself, that big branch broke out and was about to fall on the ground. Garuda was perturbed. If that branch falls on the ground, the sages called Vaalakhilyaas who were doing “Tapassu” (penance) by hanging to that branch, head downwards, will be disturbed. So, Garuda held that branch with his long beak and flew away. Carrying the huge tortoise and elephant with his legs and the big branch with his beak, he flew to his father Kashyapa. Kashyapa realised the condition of his son, Garuda. He requested the Vaalakhilyaas “Oh great saints, my son Garuda is flying to Devaloka to bring Amrutha to relieve his mother from slavery. I request you to kindly leave this branch and go somewhere else and continue your Tapassu (penance).”
Vaalakhilyas agreed for it and they went away. Garuda went to Himalayas, and kept both the tortoise and elephant on the mountain top and ate them. Then he flew away to Devaloka. While Garudaa was coming nearer to Devaloka, some bad Omens appeared in Devaloka. Deva Guruvu, Bruhaspati, told Devendra “Garuda, son of Kashyapa, is coming to Devaloka to take away Amrutha from your custody for giving it to snakes and relieve his mother from slavery.”
Devendra grew angry. Immediately, he called the Devatas who are guarding the Amrutha and cautioned them “Garuda is coming to take away Amrutha. Be careful.”.Garuda reached the place where Amrutha was kept. When he tried to take away Amrutha, the Guards attacked him. There was a big fight between the Devatas and Garuda.
Garuda fought with Devatas with his nails, claws and beak. Devatas could not resist Garuda and they fled away.Garuda, holding Amruta Kalasa(vessel containing amruta), tried to fly away. At that time Lord Vishnu came to Garuda and said: “Garuda, I am very much pleased with your strength and courage. Tell me what do you want”. Garuda bowed before Lord Vishnu “O Lord, I am blessed with your kind compliments. I must become immortal without swallowing Amrutha. Throughout my life, I must serve you”.
Lord Vishnu was very much pleased with his request. “Oh Garuda, you will be immortal without consuming Amruta. Hereinafter, you will be my “vaahana” (carrier) and also my flag.”. So saying, Lord Vishnu blessed Garuda and disappeared.
(Even now, in Vaishnava temples, Garuda vaahanam, Garuda dwajham, Dhwajaarohanam are observed during Brahmotsavams). While Garuda was trying to fly away, Mahendra came there and hurled his Vajraayudham against Garuda to kill him. Garuda saw Vajraayudha come fiercely. Garuda bowed before Vajraayudha and said:
“Oh Vajraayudhaa, you were originated from the spine of a great Saint(Dadheeci). Hence I respect you. As you are the aayudha (weapon) of Devendra, I wont disrespect you. But your strength is not sufficient to fight with him. You can cut one feather from my wing and go away. That much is your strength”
Devendra was very much astonished for the courage and strength of Garuda. He tried to make friendship with Garuda. “Oh Garuda. I am Devendra. I want to make friendship with you. You are my friend. But one thing. you are going to give Amruta to the cruel serpants. If they consume Amrutha, they will become immortals and they cannot be controlled even by Devatas. So I request you to give back Amrutha to me. I will give you whatever you want”.
On hearing the words of Devendra, Garuda replied “Oh Devendra, after giving Amrutha to snakes, my mother, Vinata, will be relieved of her slavery. Then myself and my mother will be freed and we will go away. After that, before the snakes consume Amrutha, you can snatch Amrutha from them and take it away”.
Mahendra gladly agreed for it. “Oh Garuda, you are giving back Amrutha to me. I am very happy. Ask me what do you want. I will give you”. Mahendra said. Garuda told Mahendra: “Oh Mahendra, these snakes caused much harm and hardship to my mother and myself.
Hereinafter, the snakes shall be the main food for Garudas.”.Mahendra gladly agreed for it. (Even now, snakes are the main prey for eagles).Then, Garuda took the Amrutha and went home. Mahendra also followed him in invisible form. Garuda kept the vessel containing Amrutha (Amruta Kalasa) on dharbas (a kind of long grown grass). Garuda told snakes “As per your word, I brought Amruta from Devaloka. Please take this Amruta. My mother and myself are relieved from slavery. We are going away. Please take holy bath and take Amruta.”
So saying, Garuda flew away along with his mother on his back. Snakes are very happy as they are going to become immortals. They all went to take holy bath. Immediately, Mahendra lurking there invisibly, snatched away Amrutha Kalasa and went back to Devaloka. He handed over Amruta kalasa to the guards and directed them to proetct Amruta carefully.
After taking holy bath, all the sna kes came to the place where Amruta was kept to swallow the same. To their surprise and dismay, they could not find Amruta kalasa. They felt very sad. Thinking that, at least, if they lick the dharbhas on which the Amruta was kept, they may get some result, they began to lick the dharbhas. As the edges of dharbhas were so sharp, their tongues were cut into two. Since then they became “dvijihvas” (with two tongues). (Even now, you can find the tongue of the snakes cutinto two).
Because the Holy Amruta Kalasa was kept on Dharbhas, from then onwards, Dharbas also became sacred and holy.